Title: Children's Complex Hospital, Multan
Student: Roushan Mir - (4th year)
- 95% of the structure including all the walls, roof, stairs etc are made up of 3 layers of 2mm acrylic sheet joined back to back, with layers of blue sheets (multani tiles) in between.
- 6mm mdf lasani sheet (6' x 4'-10") used for the base
- outer protective glass walls with acrylic top (not shown in the pictures)
- all the domes carved out of white clay manually
- All the shades and parapet details are made out of bleach-board, a lot of other materials have also been used in minute details such as bar b que sticks, cotton tiken, tranceparencies, a4 papers etc.
- Glass crystalline paint on acrylic sheets, spray paints, poster paints and matt enamel paint for base.
- 3 energy saver bulbs (18 watts each) placed inside
Bonding Material:
- Major use of Chloroform and elfy, details in UHU, base pasting with samad bond and German glue.